Sunday, August 9, 2009
Married young by *Leshauna*
How many of you guys believe that the younger you get married shorter the
marriage will last?
This issue has come up with alot of young people I talk to. I think marriage is
marriage weather
or not it happens at young age.
i'm havinq hard time doinq this HELP!!!!
Happiness through the pain by ^Leticia^
Hmm, I know a lot of people tend to feel like it’s the end of the world because the person they thought was “the one” really wasn’t and because they made that person their everything..once they are gone they feel like there is nothing left..also people tend to shut down after being heartbroken and say they will never love again..but there is a way to love somebody after being terribly hurt. I would know because ive been thru a situation like this one and I have loved after. Things people like me go thru are thinking that WE aren’t good enough for anyone to love us again, or what did WE do wrong or thinking we wont be able to trust anyone with our hearts ever again. In reality the person who was foolish enough to let us go aren’t good enough for us and because they hurt us they were never ever worth the enormous value we made them. Depending on how this person hurt you, u can make a choice to stay their friend or to let them go and never let them in ur life again. Honestly in my opinion someone you loved that much can NEVER be a friend. This is because the feelings are always there whether u left them or they left you or whatever the situation may always need time to heal. Healing is the key to moving on with ur life. Ive made a lot of mistakes in the past but learned that letting go of that person that hurt u more than ever is the best way to try and move on with ur life and leave them behind. If u choose to be there friend it might be best to keep the friendship to a minimum and not be drawn back in to the things that u loved about them so much. [feelings may vary depending on the situation] Another way to try to love someone again is to actually find someone else. Some people tend to jus curl up and lock themselves up and keep to themselves but that wont get u anywhere. When u are thinking about someone else it gets your mind of the past. Trust becomes a big issue in these types of situations as well.
People like me need more than the words “you can trust me” especially after a bad experience. We need to be shown that its okay to trust someone with our heart again because not only is it fragile right now but it always will be because even if we forgive the person that hurt us we will never forget what it is that they did to us and when bad things happen to people its instinct to take precaution so that it doesn’t happen again or if it does happen it isn’t so bad and we are prepared. Trust will take time for ur new partner to gain but if they think u are worth and if they are worth it they will understand ur situation and stand by u until u are able to let them in. If the person just cant understand ur situation well that’s another person u don’t need in ur life. Theres a lot more other things I can say about this but overall don’t be afraid to love again, u will definitely regret it if u happen to let the right person pass u by. Yes you will be scared and yes it will be hard but u have to try and if u do find the right person it will definitely be worth it when you feel true happiness and the person that u once were hurt about doesn’t mean a thing anymore. The rush of the new beginning and life will feel great and anyone whos experienced this or is experiencing this deserves to feel that feeling…Everyone deserves there fairytale ending so go get yours!
Happy Birthday Michael! Love you with all my heart and soul! :D
Driving in Two lanes by ^Chantal^
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Trying to fit a square into a circle