There are alot of people that are in my life that I take for granted, or who I took for granted and they are now gone. Why is that we truly discover the importance of someone or something when it is gone? Why do we choose to fill our hearts with grudges and malice but when the time come for that thing to leave, we cry? Too many people walk in and out of my life, and I am not emotionally stable. If I learned this lesson earlier I would of appreciated my auntie, my two grandpas and friends. I am tired of losing people, but that is just something I truly can't control. The only thing that I can honestly control is the how I treat them, and the amount of appreciation I show them. The great Mr. West once told me "People like to get roses while they can still smell them". I am thankful for everything and everyone in my life. This topic came to me out of no where, but I wanted something you can connect with. Everybody loses someone, and regrets things they wish they would've and could've done.
I could relate to this a lot .. like I mean alot. I think a lotta people take things and people for granted and it's unfortunate that once that one person or thing is gone, it's then we start to realize that we took them for granted and it could be too late to gain it all back .. but you know what, realizing and admitting the fact that you may have taken certain things and people for granted is the first step in alla this. "I am tired of losing people, but that is just something I truly can't control." -- You know what I say to this, people say everything happens for a reason right ? Maybe the ones that walked out of your life, maybe there's a purpose and a meaning behind it that chu jss haven't figured out yet. If anything, the ones that remain close by your side, the ones that chu know will always be there for you, there the ones that matter most :]