UGHHHHHHHHHH today was going mad good, until I got on the 5 train. I was on the basketball scoring on my son Ku$h, so I was kind of hype. I entered the 5 train laughin at my son Gbaby who was all up into these two girls conversation. Then I was getting ready to get off the train so I can get the B41 at Nostrand, so I walked between cars, so I can get off faster. The bad thing is that I didnt notice that a stupid fat white officer was watching me. The train was about to stop, and I saw him coming closer to me. So I was like he probably was just taking the train just like everybody else, but when the train stopped he asked if I can take the seat. Then the stupid officer going to ask me if I don't see the signs that says "DO NOT RIDE BTWN CARS", so I said sorry thinking that he would have sympathy on me, but he didnt!smh. He had me sitting down for like ten minutes just looking at my curls and watching me, before he decided to write the ticket. Everybody was grilling me, and I felt like a friggin criminal. Then when he gave me the ticket I saw that it was for a whoppin $75!! I couldn't believe it, then he tried to connect with me, talking about he really didn't want to give me the ticket, but Transit is coming down on NYPD. I wasn't buying it so I just left.
Lolll Oh man... Smh. Its all good mike. Lolz