Do you honestly think that age is just a numbER? Do you think that lovecan be accomplished with a huge age difference taking place? I feel that age plays a huge role in love. Even though they say girls are more mature than guys, and that justifies why they date older guys. I think when you are still in your teens the biggest age difference should be 3 years. I say this because even though that boy or girl may be mature, there is still things that a 16 year old can understand about relationships, that can't sink into a 12 year old. Under 18, there is still much to learn about love, or just the whole topic of being in a relationship. Under 18, you kind of still expect one another to not get things fully, and just to go with the fly. I think once you past 25, age limits are off. There are little things for you to learn after you reach 25, but the big tips or the necessities should be learned already. It is quite fine for a 25 year old man to be going out with a 35 year old woman. Even though I said all I said already, I think it just sick when I see a 60 year old man with a 25 year old girl. That is nasty, and just selfish, on the man's part. I think some girls and boys just go out with people older than them, not because the are better lovers than the youngers, it just because of the age difference. With some it is just mindset that they have to go older, because these young ones don't know what they want.
I kind of agree with your statement because Dejon is 16, going on 17 in August. I'm 18... And one of the reasons why we started dating again out of the MANY reasons is that I am mature and right now, he needs a mature person around him to pass high school and work on his goals for college. His ex-girlfriend, Alicia, on the otherhand, was just there for the moment and didn't really care. She didn't know if she was coming or going, and that ended up messing up Dejon's grades. I, personally, love Dejon a lot. I care for him and the same goes for him. But at the end of the day, age doesn't matter. What matters is the connection you have between you and that person. Love goes around <3