I honestly feel that a long distance relationship cannot work. How can a relationship work when the only thing you got is a voice, but nothing physical. I don't understand how a relationship can work when the two lovers don't see each other, but only talk on the phone, or on the computer. I know for sure that I wouldn't be able to do it because I am the type to get bored easily, even when my significant other is in the same city, so how would I deal with a long distance relationship. In a way, I would feel as if I'm holding her from exploring options that can do more for her than I can, due to my location. I don't believe that a relationship is very strong without phsyical contact, or at least your significant lover being close to you at all times. Some say that a long distance relationship can work, but I feel that if it do work, it will be weak, and the slightest thing that comes along can break the relationship. I don't think that no longer distant couple can say that at times they feel no sense of jealousy or sometimes wonder what your other half is actually doing. I feel that you guys are just holding each other back from finding love that will satisfy all their needs. I know for a fact that no long distant lover is happy at all times, they suffer from depression and anger for not being with their lovers. I know that sometimes your word is good, because the sweetest thing you say can make him/her blush, but sometimes you need to feel the firm arms of your boyfriend, or the gentle face of your girlfriend. You need that special warmth that only comes from that person that you truly are attracted to. You need that chemistry that can only be experienced on one-ones that you share in person. I don't think long-distance relationships work, sorry, what do you think?
i dont think dey work eitha, u qotta b abLe to trust dat otha person nd not Let otha ppL teLL u thinqs dat make u wanna doubLe check ur seLf nd wanna break up wit ur partner. i had a Lonq distance reLationship b4, it aint work cuz ppL kept teLLin me thinqs bout him nd i jus didnt no wat to beLieve so i broke up wit him ... now i kinda reqret doin dat cuz it shows i have trust issues BIG TIME =/