Do you think that it is ok or exes to go back out? Do you think that it is possible for exes to find love again? I am very iffy on this topic. I feel that exes, if possible, should go back out. I know that sometimes that the pain from you guys relationship can cause you to not want to go back out, because you remember those days that you was just fed up with him/her, and you wanted out. You remeber the days that you wished you never met them, you remember the dirty looks that they gave you. You remember the slick status that they put up, and try to g it like its not for you, but you secretly knew it was. But what do you you do when your heart is telling you that you want them back, despite the trials and tribulations. I think that you should follow your heart only if the pain that they caused is easily looked over. I don't think you should rely on your own opinion either, you need your true friends to tell you the truth. But if they did something taht was bad, but time had caused you to look over, well go after yours. After all "absence makes the heart grow fonder" i think thats the quote.lmbooooo. But anyway you should only enter the relationship again, if for sure you know that it wont just be another repreat, or another heart break or mistake. I honestly never went back out with an ex, just for the fact that I use to feel that once you done, you done, no double dipping. But now I'm older and now I think different. This blog is not necessarily about me, but what is going on in my world nowadays. To many people are scared to go back out, due to what ifs, if these what ifs got you wondering, than you should just forget about the lover and move on..
well it is gud to forgive but even though u forgive him/her theres still the fact that he/she still has a broken heart cuz of something the other person might have r didnt do. so it mayb kinda hard 2 move on beacuse of the strong link the two people have gotten. but u cant live in the past 4ever, u must move on.
ReplyDeleteOMG michael you speak the truth!! I've experienced that..
ReplyDeletebut anyways. Yes, I firmly believe that exes can get back together because what if circumstances broke them up? what if the love never left? What if they are really meant for each other and just lost sight of that? No relationship is perfect so the fed-upness is NATURAL. there is no relationship without compromise and if you're looking for that straight relationship without all the kinks you'll be looking forever.