I honestly feel that once your in love with somebody, a piece of your heart will always belong to them. I don't think it is possible to be strongly in love with somebody, then after a couple of months after yall break up, you say that you feel nothing towards that person. I know that sometimes a period of hurt that a significant other cause, can cause you to be blind to the feelings or attractiveness that you two share. I strongly believe that love doesn't go away, especially when your deep in love. I still share a little bit of atrractiveness to all my exez, and I don't know if it will ever go away. Love is just one of those things that will never go away, I dont care how bad you was hurt or played. Love never fails, and it will never leave. I am not saying that you will be in love with a certain boyfriend/girlfriend for your whole life, but you guys will share some type of liking towards each other. I don't think no future lover should get mad about their lover having some type of feeling towards their ex because love is a strong thing. Also you must truly know what love is, and the only way you can know what love is, is if you experience it for yourself... Love takes it course..
i agree that once u hve truly luved sum1 and gave them ur evrything n yall been through everthing 2gether yes no matter wat u will alwayz love that person.....at the same time it all depends becuz out of ma exez dere are probably onli 2 dat i will alwayz love. da rest i probabli cnt stand or i jus wudnt even look at them in dat wai no more...however i do think its possible 4 sum1 2 fall out of love so quickly...i mean if u realli love a guy n dey hurt u so bad of course da first couple of daiz ur gonna still think bout da person but after dat itz like wateva..well it all depends on a person n how dey express dere feelingz...at timez u will b surprised dat love will fail for a short period of time but soon or later we are expected 2 try it again n expect different out cumz den u hve ppl dat gave up on luv a long time ago...damn mike u realli makin me think on dis one lol in order 2 find tru love i feel like u hve go thru all itz strugglez fist