Nowadays its mad hard to find a friend that is really down for you, and that will stand with you through thick and thin. It is especially hard to find a friend that will stand with me because I am a confused boy, who changes up alot. It is not because I choose to change up my swagg it is because I don't know where my life is going. So this blog is shouting out my close friends, and the people I appreciate...
Leticia - For understanding me through everything, and telling me the truth when I didn't really want to hear it. For being there for me, when I wasn't really there for myself. For giving me the chance to over you my shoulder to cry on, when you had your gloomy moment.
Bri - For helping me become a better Christian, making me smile, and helping me to realize that I should take things one day at a time. For me finding a person that was very similar to me, and that I can trust with anything.
Joanne - For being the laidback person you are. For smiling and laughing at my jokes, and being the unique person you are.. LOVE YOU
Bianca - For giving me the oppurtunity to vent to you. For you being so down to earth and willing to listen to me, when you necessarily didnt want to. For being the sweet and loving person you are.
Chantal - For giving me the chance to listen and help you during certain times. For understanding things that happen, and for being so cool. Thank you for being a shoulder to lean on and a friend to keep.
Bush - For giving me great laughs and for listening for my girl troubles.lol
Juh juh - For laughing at me when it was uncalled for, teaching me that there is always a positive side to things.
Bobby G - For letting me see that I am not the only one that go through certain things (did you think bout it.lol) and for being a lil bro to me.
RaH- For helping me realize that I am not the only one with problems, and that sometimes others are worsee than mines. We recently became mad tight and I want it to stay that way.
Nicole - For being a lil sister, and helping me realize that life is too good to be taken serious.
Shanise- For showing me the bright side to things. For showing me that I can make it through anyting. LOVE YOU
Prisca - For helping me when I had my problems and for always being on my side.lol
dagg i cnt even comment on dis one cuz ma name aint up here