Niah (McDirty) posed a great topic for this blog "Is it ok to go after a bffs ex?" In my book, I honestly feel that it is ok to go after a best friend's ex based on the terms that they broke up. If they broke up over some petty stuff like lack of communication, it is ok. But if they broke up over a cheating situation, where the partner truly hurt the other partner, which led to anger or depression, you shouldn't pursue their ex. If the bestfriend is totally over the ex, and moved on, they shouldn't try to be selfish and jealous of you. I know many people is going to disagree with this blog today, but this is how I truly feel. Going out with a best friend's ex is nothing major especially since most of these relationships are not that serious, and it is not like you two were married. In many situations I have seen bestfriends tell their friends that it ok if they go out with their ex, because they over them, even though you are lying. As soon as they start going out jealousy and hidden anger starts to surface. It is ok to go out with a bestfriends' ex depending on the terms of the break up. No bestfriend should try to be selfish and hold on to their ex, and not expect somebody to go out with them because that it just not fair. You must also ask them for permission to go out with their ex, don't try do it behind their back, because that will mess up yall relationship. And no girlfriend or boyfriend is more important than a good friend. But if they say no, and you still want to pursue, well tell them that, because they are going to find out anyway. Thank You..
i feels u lil homie n i get were u cumin from wit da hole askin out ur ex's gf ur blogs b deep
ReplyDeleteOMG I TOTALLY DISAGREE MICHEAL how could u say this iight Listen 2 this kkkk U rite when u said it dependz on the terms that they broke up but it has 2 be terms like if they only went out 4 a day or wat ever not 4 like 6 months to like 3 yearz or watever or not even bwtn 3 to 4 months too.That is ya Best friend And U would trust them with anything especially ya gurl/ boyfriend so wen u hear that ya bestfriend wanna get with ya ex U be Like Wat???? Personally me I would be hurt because Just by u wantin 2 get with my ex is tellin me u been lookin at my gurl/man from jump and I trust u with everything. And Itz not about being Selfish Being selfish have nothing to do with it Itz Just the principle of the fact boi and the amount of respect u have 4 ya self and ya bestfriend. You would be spending mad time with ya bestfriend and his/her gurl would be around most of the time and ya best friend trust u 2 be around his/her now y would u go out with ya best friend ex after all of that itz just the principle boi Ya ex is left overz that u are never finished with until u make up ya mind and be like im done with it. Respect the pact That Best friendz dont go out with each other ex'z Just have respect for ya self at least u can do betta thatz left over'z of ya best buddie just think of all the stuff they did 2 each other thats only if U Knew.
ReplyDeleteBUT we all have our own opinions
i dont think that a bestfriend should go out they bestfriend ex. idk maybe it depends on how much longer after they go after the ex. if its like within a certain month range, that shows that the ex and bestfriend were most likely talkin while the ex was with the other bestfriend. but thats just a possibility. i would personally feel betrayed, but thats just me. i dont think its selfish if the bestfriend doesnt want theyre bestfriend to go out with their ex, i mean you cant stop two people from being together, but who really wants to watch their bestfriend with their ex. as if seeing with somebody else is bad enough, but with somebody your with a lot would be worse. as bestfriends theyre prolly telling each other everything, so you have to listen to all the things they do for each other while the feelings probably arent gone. if permission is given, then i guess the person put it on themself. but permission shouldnt even be asked until a way long time later because the bestfriend and the ex shouldnt be wanting to get together quickly after the breakup. you dont honestly know how affective the breakup was to the person, so their feelings should be taken into consideration for quite some time. maybe if something happens between them two after a long time after the breakup it would seem more acceptable.... and then again if the two were together less than a week, it may not be as bad if the bestfriend goes out with the ex unless the ex-couple knew each other for a long time and they supposidly really liked each other.
ReplyDeletewhoaa i disagree..if ma bestfren go with one of ma ex'z she wud b breakin da frenship rule..point blank lol
ReplyDeletenegative sorry michael but i totally disagree
ReplyDeletegoing out with your best friends ex is dirty no matter what. sorry. thats all
let me add to that. If the person who allows her ex to date her best friend thinks its okay. Then go ahead but notice those types of relationships never work. Also lack of communication is not something petty to break up about. It's easy for boys to say that because they're not on the same level as girls are anywayss.
ReplyDeleteSorry another thing. If the relationship is not meant to be serious then it should never start. Stupid things happen like that because people see it fit to waste time. All these little pointless relationships are wasting time. That's why unless you want something serious stay single. People intentionally put themselves in so much unnecessary hurt. Smh. It's pitiful