Is it possible to be in love with a person who is exactly like you? I honestly don't think so. You will easily get frustrated and bored with them quickly. Two people who are in love cannot be the same. I am a proud believer in the term "Opposites attract." In many relationships that I have been in, I have never went out with the comedian girl, the girl that has a lot of boy friends, or that girl who is always hype like me. Opposites attract in this world, and create the best relationships. In life I always see that free spirit boy go for that moody girl that changes every minute. I think opposites attract because nobody truly wants a person just like themselves, but they want something new and unique. They want something that can balance them out. Who honestly believe that opposites don't attract? Who believes that two lovers who are just alike, will fall for each other? In the street you always see the softest girls with the hardest guys, the tallest boys with the shortest girls, and the free spirit girls with those soft dudes. This is not one of those deep blogs, just stating how I feel how this world is going. You need that person who can make you smile, when you are not use to smiling. You need that person who can tell you a joke when you are at the brink of commiting suicide. New things attract us, while same things bore us, because we already know what to expect. With new things, we only know one thing.. a rememorable experience.
"You need that person who can tell you a joke when you are at the brink of commiting suicide." a little drastic, dontcha thinkk ? loll, but other than that, i aqree with urr bloqq entry..idk..opposites make the world qo roundd ? loll . =P