What do you do when you know you should't love her, but your hurt is still attached to her. Yall have been going out for like 2 years and she hurt you bad, you know you shouldn't go back to her, but your heart is telling you that things are better the second time around you. What are you suppoe to do when your boyfriend of 3 years, cheat on you, and then ask for you to take him back. The decision to choose between the heart and the mind is a hard one. You know what is right, bu sometimes that is not good enough for you. You want what feels good to you, and not necessarily what you think it is right. Your heart won't let your mind win, at the end of the day our hearts are way stronger then our minds. Love is a strong force that sometimes take over our whole body, and confuses our mind. It causes us to think right is wrong, and wrong is right. It causes us to do things that arent normal, but very wierd. I don't think that the mind is stronger than the heart. That is why sometimes we usually accpet the apologies from the people that hurt us the most. That is why we tend to go out back out with the same ones that didn't take our feelings into account when they cheated on us, or tried to embarass us to their friends to help their reputation. My heart is way stronger than my mind. I deleted girls at least 10 times, but it only last for like 3 days. I then add them back to see if their status is about me, or to see if they ok. I look at their screenname and picture us having a conversation about our feelings. Then I actually hit them up and realize that I broke the chain, but love rules over everything (L.O.E)
yu knoww most of the time its not really love you feek. LOVE ♥ should be somethinq that doesnt HURT you, but something that yu are absolutly sure about, and however you feel know its right.
if sum1 has hurt u realli bad n u think that ur heart is tellin u 2 go bac trust n believe me its not ur heart its all in ya mind…c ya mind have wayz of playn trickz on ya,,,I mean itz easier 4 us 2 control our mind.. howeva I feel like we shud follow our heart but also listen 2 our mind becuz if u really think bout it we need both 2 make a decision. See ur brain detectz what's going on and comes up with solutionz the heart triez 2 figure out ur emotions, and how 2 react and go through different thingz. Your heart is able 2 perceive more n ur brain lack balance. At the same time it all depends in the situation ur in becuz the heart is for emotional thinking n da mind iz more logic