Thursday, December 24, 2009

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Sunday, September 20, 2009
Am I good enough?
Saturday, September 12, 2009
This blog isnt about anybody in particular, just different thoughts in my head. Sometimes we hold on too many things. We choose to hold grudges and malice in our hearts for things that people have done to us. Sometimes we have legitimate reasons for holding these grudges, but other times it can be little things such as a meaningless arguement. I admit that no one is perfect and holding grudges is sometimes the most logically accurate thing to do when that bf cheated on you for the last time, when that best friend told your business for the last time, when your step father molested you for the last time, and/or when you was misused and abused for the last time. But holding grudges hold us back in life if we truly want to admit or not. When we cant forgive that girlfriend for sleeping with your bestfriend, you learn to adapt trust issues for everybody. You never trust another girl with your heart, or another person with a friendship. You start to mistreat girls because you was mistreated when all you wanted was true love. When all you wanted was companionship. You will never let another homeboi get too close to you because you think that at the snap of a finger he will violate you. I don't care what anybody say talkin about he dead to me, or she dead to me, its not true unless you forgive. Because if you continue to hold this person in your heart, they will continue to influence many of your decisions in life. Forgiviness doesn't mean being all smiley and up in that person face or even banging with that person again, it just means you are releasing them from all the anger that you hold against them. That is the only true time that you can honestly move on with your life is when you forgive. Forgive those who hurt you intentionally and unintentionally. Forgive that girlfriend in the past who has hurt you. Forgive that ex bff who had betrayed you. Move on.. 3
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Married young by *Leshauna*
How many of you guys believe that the younger you get married shorter the
marriage will last?
This issue has come up with alot of young people I talk to. I think marriage is
marriage weather
or not it happens at young age.
i'm havinq hard time doinq this HELP!!!!
Happiness through the pain by ^Leticia^
Hmm, I know a lot of people tend to feel like it’s the end of the world because the person they thought was “the one” really wasn’t and because they made that person their everything..once they are gone they feel like there is nothing left..also people tend to shut down after being heartbroken and say they will never love again..but there is a way to love somebody after being terribly hurt. I would know because ive been thru a situation like this one and I have loved after. Things people like me go thru are thinking that WE aren’t good enough for anyone to love us again, or what did WE do wrong or thinking we wont be able to trust anyone with our hearts ever again. In reality the person who was foolish enough to let us go aren’t good enough for us and because they hurt us they were never ever worth the enormous value we made them. Depending on how this person hurt you, u can make a choice to stay their friend or to let them go and never let them in ur life again. Honestly in my opinion someone you loved that much can NEVER be a friend. This is because the feelings are always there whether u left them or they left you or whatever the situation may be..you always need time to heal. Healing is the key to moving on with ur life. Ive made a lot of mistakes in the past but learned that letting go of that person that hurt u more than ever is the best way to try and move on with ur life and leave them behind. If u choose to be there friend it might be best to keep the friendship to a minimum and not be drawn back in to the things that u loved about them so much. [feelings may vary depending on the situation] Another way to try to love someone again is to actually find someone else. Some people tend to jus curl up and lock themselves up and keep to themselves but that wont get u anywhere. When u are thinking about someone else it gets your mind of the past. Trust becomes a big issue in these types of situations as well.
People like me need more than the words “you can trust me” especially after a bad experience. We need to be shown that its okay to trust someone with our heart again because not only is it fragile right now but it always will be because even if we forgive the person that hurt us we will never forget what it is that they did to us and when bad things happen to people its instinct to take precaution so that it doesn’t happen again or if it does happen it isn’t so bad and we are prepared. Trust will take time for ur new partner to gain but if they think u are worth and if they are worth it they will understand ur situation and stand by u until u are able to let them in. If the person just cant understand ur situation well that’s another person u don’t need in ur life. Theres a lot more other things I can say about this but overall don’t be afraid to love again, u will definitely regret it if u happen to let the right person pass u by. Yes you will be scared and yes it will be hard but u have to try and if u do find the right person it will definitely be worth it when you feel true happiness and the person that u once were hurt about doesn’t mean a thing anymore. The rush of the new beginning and life will feel great and anyone whos experienced this or is experiencing this deserves to feel that feeling…Everyone deserves there fairytale ending so go get yours!
Happy Birthday Michael! Love you with all my heart and soul! :D
Driving in Two lanes by ^Chantal^
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Trying to fit a square into a circle

Thursday, July 16, 2009
Love lifted me
But I was just too scared.
Haunted by the past,
That always seemed to reappear,
I tried my best to run and hide,
But I just couldn't get you off my mind.
Should I give love a second chance?
Or am I just wasting my time?
You promised you were different,
But so did the rest,
Then you looked into my eyes,
And I knew you had passed the test,
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Trying Close Doors
Monday, July 13, 2009
Searching for the man in the mirror
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Sometimes love comes around & it knocks you down
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Bench Player
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Playing the fence
Teen Pregnancy
Questionz Part III
2) How come the Jackson's family got custody of the kid, when it wasnt even his sperm?
3) Why is the rest of the Jackson family working regular jobs when their brother is the biggest icon?
4) How long will this recession last?
5) Why does black make you look skinnier?
6) Why don't Jews believe in Jesus, but they believe in God?
8) Why do LIl wayne get girls?
9) Why Drake tryna act gutta when his name is AUBREY?
10) Why is Brian always the spokesman for day 26?
11) Why do Mariah and Nick Cannon seem happy?
12) Why are gay girls seen as sexy, but gay boys as bffz?
13) Why do people think blondes are dumb?
14) Why Joe Jackson look so evil?
15) Jermaine Durpi and Janet Jackon making babies? OH NO
16) Who made hangers?
17) Why do your nipples get hard when your cold?
18) Why dont our toes have names?!?!?!
19) Why do we get our color back in the winter?
20) Why Diddy always sing on his artists' songs?
21) Why do Puerto Ricans and Indians run corner stores?
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Fighting a DownHill Battle
Monday, June 29, 2009
When You Gone
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Loving a Mirror

Monday, June 22, 2009
My girl Gotta Girlfriend

Is your past affecing your future or is it going to be your future"
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Love beyond Limits

Saturday, June 20, 2009
Between A rock and a hard place
Friday, June 19, 2009
One side relationships

Thursday, June 18, 2009
Mind Games

Tuesday, June 16, 2009
The Power of the past

Monday, June 15, 2009
Inside of me is so dark that I am scared of sunshine,
I toss and turn,
I keep stressing my mind,
I rather peace than fame
I don’t know what to say, I look for peace but see I don't attain, I need an end to the game we play,
I am always lonely,
I can’t seem to shake my past, Madness to magnet keeps attracting me, And I try to run but see I'm not that fast,
I’m on the move can't seem to shake the shade,
Mind is at the edge as it creep, Within my dreams I see the life he made, The pain is deep,
I am as depressed as a widow,
Can’t eat nor sleep,
When it comes to my problems I am in the middle,
I need a way out from this nightmare,
I can’t think straight,
I have great fear,
I have no faith,
I know this is the end,
Goodbye my lovers,
And my friends.
My Sake
Girls fall in love, boys do to,
But when it’s all over, What is there to do,
Can’t forget bout it because the feeling remains,
Scared to trust another because it may happen again,
Can’t open up, Can’t be true,
What if the new one is just there to hurt you,
You can’t be stuck in the past,
But you can’t forget about the last,
That broke your heart,
That is the reason why this situation had a start,
I wished you wouldn’t have did that, for my sake,
Now the result is two heartbreaks,
Two hearts broken,
Emotions drowned in confusion,
Still didn’t tell you all they wanted to say,
Waiting for the right one, that can give you that Sweet Day,
Wishing they were there,
Love songs is all you can hear,
Yearning a mate,
For that special date,
Hope it’s not too late,
For my sake.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Questions part II
Dark Spot


Thursday, June 11, 2009
Heart vs Mind

Long Distance

Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Locked up

I don't even know what it's all about,
Leave me in here,
Without giving me a care,
Not even asking if I'm okay,
Just pass by my cell every single day,
This can't go on no longer,
Their arms, feet, and hands are stronger,
My faith is running dry,
Sometimes I want to cry,
But I look deep in my heart,
And realize from the start,
That I am a man,
By what you care,
I am locked up,
But they will let me out.
~Michael George Haynes
Lover never fails

Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Love in your face

My Mom
Monday, June 8, 2009
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Boo vs. Husband

Saturday, June 6, 2009
Trusting a partner
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Close friendz

Saturday, May 30, 2009
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Friends vs. Boo