I am Mr. Blogspot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, May 1, 2009


It is hard enough being a Christian. It is even harder when you are a Christian Teenager. But the real struggle really comes when you a christian teenager boy. It is hard being around a group of boys who are influenced by a world of sex, drugs, and violence. It is very hard telling a girl that you don't want to have sex with her because you are waiting till marriage. The first thought that comes to their mind is that I'm gay, because a typical guy doesn't turn down a a good looking girl. It is very hard to not submit to temptations that the world gives to me. Ill admit that I am not a perfect christian, and I am no where close, but I am honestly trying. I don't want this to be seen as a disadvantage, but a advantage, because I love being different and weird. I choose my relationship with God over any girl or boy (no offense). This is not one of my regular blogs, but like I said.. I LOVE BEING DIFFERENT.

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