I am Mr. Blogspot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


I can honestly say that I am at a point in my life, where I am at a standstill. I no longer have control of what is going on, or what is to come. I don't know where my life is going, and nothing makes sense to me at this point. Everytime I think my life is going in one direction, it splits and goes in a totally different direction. The pressure of school, trying to please my parents, trying to hold my religious and sentimental life together, is starting to get to me a little bit. Last year during this time, I was a care-free kid who didnt care what was going on, because I alway had somebody who would kinda sorta clean up my mistakes. There must be a way that I can gain control of my life, because I can't let the year end like this. I think that the pressure of college is causing me to become scared. I am scared of being fully independent, and having to clean up my own mistakes when I make them. Things are getting outta hand, I am slacking, and I don't know how to get back on the right course..

1 comment:

  1. awhh :[ i know how you feel .. somewhat i guess . the best thing to do is gain control of yah life again, be that carefree kid you once were jss a year ago . you could still be that kid yah know . jss try to go with the flow of things and hopefully it leads you on the path you wanna be on, but if at any time it goes off track, jss try to stabilize yourself, even if it's jss by a little, it's still something . and for the mistakes thing, everyone makes mistakes, some are worse than others but we all make it . and sometimes, those mistakes may seem unfixable or in other words, you can't fix them and you know what, thas okay . maybe there's a reason for that mistake to be ' unfixable ' but in the long run, you learn from those mistakes, no matter how bad they were, you got something out of it . and i know the amount of pressure you could possibly be feeling, with college on the way and tryna please the parents, i've been there and done that . and honestly, i guess a while back i jss kinda not cared about what they think of my grades and stopped tryna please them, and jss please myself . chuz thas all that matters . if you're happy with the grades you get, then good for you . don't let your parents' opinions or criticism affect you in any way or let it bring you down . bechuz as long as you try yah best, who are they to judge you ? and the thing about being fully independent, it's common to feel scared in a way . but being on yah own in life, and doing things your way, it could be a really great chance for you to find your own ways in life and to find some sort of stability within yourself . and the thing bout slacking .. you're suffering from junioritis ! lols, seriously . but this is junior year, and it counts the most . make these last twenty something days of school the best :] i wish you good luck ! and hope you find a way to get back on track(:
