I can honestly say I don't know where my love life is headed. Lately, everytime I get close to a girl, they change up on me. First they pull me in, then when they realize that I am in, they back out. On other occassions, I can have alot of options, but there is something wrong with all of them. Either they still have feelings for an ex, they scared of dating me, they all come at the smae time, or etc. And when I decide that I narrowed it down to the right one, they bail out on meh. I don't know why my love life is affecting me so much, I use to be just a careless dude. I think that when I try to make things happen, love becomes complicated, but when I didn't care, love took place. I can't even control the effect that my love life has over me, I don't understand why it has become a major piece of my life. I just like to be in control of things nowadays, so if I just let it happen, it won't feel right. I am in a hole and I don't know how to get out. Love... smh
' I think that when I try to make things happen, love becomes complicated, but when I didn't care, love took place. ' ahh, my favorite favorite favorite ! <3 this has some truth behind it and i couldn't agree more . i loveeeee it . a person really can't control love and what kinda affect it has on them . it jss happens, and i think a true beauty of life is not really being prepared for what love may bring upon someone, bechuz love is best when you truly embrace it not knowing what may be of it . i'ma leave it at here_x3