I am Mr. Blogspot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Nowadays girls are so confusing. Just when I think I am starting to understand them better, they do something to make me take a couple of steps backwards. They sometimes send mix messages to us guys, and expect us to interpret them. Girls are always in control of things, whether they mean to are not. They play games with boys heads, and expect them not to show no sense of anger, or awkwardness. Some don't even know if they want a boyfriend but yet they say and do certain things with you that makes you feel otherwise. They tell you that they are feeling you and only you but when you look at their Aim status, it is about a love insider with a boy, but you know that it is not about you. I know boys aren't perfect but at least with boys you kind of expect them to act like dogs and play games, but with girls you don't expect it.  The other day I asked my girl bestfriend why do girls play hard to get, and her answer was that if they didn't do that they would come off looking easy, and their hearts would be easily broken because they boy didn't work for anything. I agree with this but what about the boys who don't want to hurt the girl? They don't like the waiting period because they misinterpret and feel as if the girl is not feeling them. SMH girls...

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